Gamesley Allotments – update
Monday just gone (18th January 2016), saw (at long last !) the start of work on the Gamesley allotments site near the top of the estate.
The works will see the field converted from its current / former existence as rough grazing land, to over 30 allotment plots, along with a section at the top of site (along the edge of the path nearest to the cut through to St Margaret’s) allocated to becoming a community orchard.
After some complications from when we started on the allotments project, with the original choice of the back of the Roman Gardens, its great to the works physically start on converting the site into its new use.
There should be good news as well shortly for those awaiting the new allotments site at Dinting with works expected to be started there soon.
If you would like further information on the allotments project or you want to get involved, please get in touch.