Planning application HPK/2024/0401 – Land off Cottage Lane – Recommended for refusal
The committee report to the Council’s Development Control for planning Application HPK/2024/0401 recommends refusing the application.
The developer resubmitted the application in October after the developer withdrew the initial application due to technical issues.
Officers have now considered that application, along with the responses from the public and statutory consultees, and are recommending the application for refusal.
You can read the report on the Council’s website at
Four grounds have been put forward for refusal; the first is around the landscape and visual effect; the second covers the poor design, loss of trees and woodland, and the ‘shading impact resulting in an unacceptably poor level of amenity to be enjoyed by the future occupiers of some plots.’ ; the third around the development not providing an appropriate range of housing types and sizes that can reasonably meet the requirements and future needs of a wide range of household types; and the fourth round not providing appropriate access to the trans Pennine trail.
Unfortunately, despite the concerns about highways and parking, the local highway authority has determined that while they have concerns, they are not enough for them to object to the application.
The report will now be considered by the Development Control Committee at their meeting on Monday, December 9th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Arts Centre at the Pavilion Gardens in Buxton.