Gamesley Post Office – update 26/7/19
The council has received confirmation from John who currently runs the post on Winster Mews, that it will close in approximately two months.
The plan from the post office (as far as we are aware) is that it will then relocate to what was formerly Morgan’s, but is now the Gamesley Convenience Store on Glossop Road.
Unfortunately, to date, the post office hasn’t consulted with the council (or as I understand it anyone else) because, in their view, the post office is only being relocated a short distance and the same service will be available once it has transferred.
However, that view the post office is only been moved a short distance fails to take account of the fact that quite a lot of the people using the post office at current are our more elderly residents, who may not be able to walk the additional distance over to Glossop Road, particular when the weather is not as good as it is at current.
Although unlikely from the information that is available at current, should the post office reconsider as I said in my previous post the council are happy for the Post Office to continue running from its current location on Winster Mews and have not sought any change to the current setup.
As before as I get any further details as to what is happening I’ll advise them here. – but I’d be interested in hearing any views from locals on what impact or effect any changes may have.
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