Former Samas Roneo Site – Development Control Meeting 1
Former Samas Roneo Site – Development Control Meeting 1: At the next meeting of the council’s development control committee on Monday 10th September, agenda item 12 will the see the first visit of the current planning applications for the former Samas Roneo site.
This first visit will deal with a change to two of the conditions for outline application which need to be approved before the new applications can be considered.
The two conditions relate to the access to the site from Glossop Road, which is being changed from in line with the original Samas Roneo entry to further up Glossop Road, across from the gap between 63 and 61 Glossop Road.
The road entrance to the site will now (if approved) also include a pedestrian refuge island on Glossop Road in line with the amended access to the site.
The report to the committee is recommending the application for approval and notes within the report that there have been 10 objections submitted, but with regards to the issue under consideration, they are generally rejected as invalid objections.
The report notes that they are still awaiting comments from DCC highways who needed additional information to comment on the revised access fully.
If approved, it is likely that the two applications for the site will be further considered at the next Development Control in October.
You can view the report to the planning committee by clicking here