Samas Roneo Site
Residents in the vacinity of the former Samas Roneo site on Glossop Road have recently received a leaflet from BNP Paribas, with regards to their intentions to resubmit plans to develop the site.
As locals may recall back in 2012, outline planning permission (Reference HPK/2012/0026) was obtained to demolish the old warehouse and redevelop both the warehouse site and the adjoining field (behind the house / the Bluebell) into upto 93 houses.
You can view a copy of the leaflet below :
[wpfilebase tag=file path=’SamasLeaflet Dec 2014.pdf’ /]
From the details on the leaflet the intention is to resubmit the application to the council, and once I have any details on this I will advise them. As before the application is only for outline planning permission with all details of the exact type of houses etc to follow in a later application.
If you’re thinking of commenting on the application once it goes in the following page “commenting on planning applications” may be of use, and I’d welcome any comments local may have on the application.