Planning Application HPK/2023/0113 update
At the end of April, the folks who submitted the planning application to convert the unit next to One Stop into a pizza establishment submitted a new planning application to vary one of the conditions on the approved plans.
The condition that they wanted to change was the opening hours. The application was approved with opening hours of 0700 – 2200 Mondays to Saturdays, 0900 – 2200 on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays.
However, the applicants wanted to change the hours to 12.00 noon – 11.00 pm Sunday – Thursday and 12.00 noon – 1.00 am Friday – Saturday.
When the proposal went out for public consultation, there were four letters of objection, along with a 25-signature petition signed by residents around the One Stop site, with concerns raised, including noise, rubbish and highway safety issues.
There was also one letter of support advising that the longer opening hours shouldn’t be an issue due to the car park and distance from the shop front.
After assessment by the planning officer, including comments objecting to the new hours from the Council’s Environmental Health section, the application for a change to the hours has been rejected.
This was because “It is considered that the proposals would have an unacceptable effect on the living conditions of residents”.
So what happens next?
In terms of the planning application, there are potentially three main options available to them, they could appeal against the decision, accept the decision and move forward with the application (i.e. start works to convert the unit), apply for different hours.
They could also decide it’s not for them and walk away. However, after paying out for planning permission, that would seem unlikely.
One issue flagged as part of the process that needs further investigation is around highway safety concerns, with local residents raising concerns around parking, particularly on the corner of the entrance to the car park and along the road in front of the stores; I’ve flagged these with our County Councillor and asked if she can raise them with Highways for further investigation.