Business Grants Update 16/4/20
By the close of business today a total of 1501 grants have paid out (165 up from Tuesday)
A total of £16,795,000 (up £1,740,000 from Tuesday) has been paid out to date.
By the end of today, 1820 web forms (up 70 from Tuesday) had been submitted.
Telephone contact remains at about 80% of the businesses meaning that staff are focussing on contacting businesses where there are issues with the submitted information and trying to find other forms of contact for businesses that we have not yet heard from.
You can hear me talking about the progress of getting the grants out on BBC Radio Derby’s afternoon program at just after 53 minutes in (with the classic Hey Ya as an intro)
If you are aware of a business that may be eligible and they haven’t yet supplied any details, please urge them to complete the webform at