Have your say on proposed changes to recycling centres
Have your say on proposed changes to recycling centres : Derbyshire County Council is consulting on making some changes at the nine household waste recycling centres or tip’s as some may call them, the nearest of which is on Melandra Road, just off the A57 at Brookfield.
The consultation focuses on the following three proposals (details from the Derbyshire County Council website) :
Proposal 1
Only allow people to use our centres if they live in Derbyshire (excluding Derby City) to make sure we’re not picking up the cost of dealing with waste from outside the county. This could, for example, mean asking you to show proof of your address − such as a photocard driving licence − when you arrive or asking you to apply for a permit to use our sites. This would be expected to save up to £100,00 – £200,000 a year.
Proposal 2
Ask vans, trailers & pickups used for personal use (not business use) to apply for a free permit to use our centres. This would help prevent business waste being left at our sites. This would be expected to save up to £40,000 a year.
Proposal 3
Charge people for bringing non-household waste to our sites such as soil, bricks and rubble. Last year we accepted around 8,000 tonnes of this waste. If we stopped accepting or introduced a charge for this waste it’s expected we would save up to £160,000 per year.
You can respond to the consultation via the county council’s website by clicking here.
The consultation runs until 21 October.