March 2016 Councillors Shoppers Surgery
This coming, Saturday (26th March) morning will see the latest Glossopdale Labour Councillors Shopper’s Surgery.
The Shopper’s Councillor’s Surgery takes place from 10am until 11.30am in the central Glossop location of the Glossop Market Arcade.
Available at the shopper’s surgery will be High Peak Borough Councillors Graham Oakley who represent Whitfield, Nick Longos from Padfield, Bob Mckeown from Hadfield South, Anthony Mckeown from Gamesley and High Peak and Derbyshire County Councillor Damien Greenhalgh. Apologies this month from Councillor Godfrey Claff who is unavailable on Saturday.
This month’s surgery has no particular set theme, but the councillor’s will have copies of the new times for the Glossop to Stepping Hill 394 service which start on Tuesday, along with details for the changes to Glossop to Hyde services which change the following week (3rd April). As always the councillor’s will be happy to answer any questions, comments and concerns that locals have, if you’re not sure what issues councillors can help with, why not try my ‘local Councillors what can we do for you’ page by clicking here.
Our shopper’s surgery is held somewhere where you might be passing on a Saturday morning, and if you have a grumble, comments, questions or query, please let us know and where we can together we can fix those grumbles, if you can’t attend on Saturday, don’t forget Councillors aren’t just available at surgeries, and you can find other ways to get in touch with me by clicking here.
You can see contact details for other Glossopdale Labour Councillors by visiting the website at or alternatively for all other borough Councillors on the borough council’s website at, or for county Councillors at