The former Centurion – planning approved
The former Centurion – planning approved : As previous advised, the current owners of the former Centurion pub, had applied for planning permission to add a single story extension to the former off licence / kitchen area of the pub to allow a third shop unit to be built.
This planning application (HPK/2015/0640) has now been approved, allowing the extension of the pub in the area shown on the photo on the right.
I don’t have details on when the works will commence to build the extension, but I would expect to see work start soon.
If you have any views on the this, please get in touch.
01/03/2016 @ 8:27 pm
Whats it going to be anthony is it going to be a one shop and kebab shop
01/03/2016 @ 9:33 pm
Amy, don’t know at current – it will be interesting to see if they will build the extra unit first or if one stop and whatever the other unit will be will be occupied first.