Glossop Town Hall
Amongst the items on the agenda for last nights meeting was a report on the council’s third quarter performance and financial review, which considered along with a range of other issues a report on the council’s capital program.
Within the details on the capital program it identified that there were no new approved schemes to report this Quarter, with the details that a revised scheme for Glossop Town Hall will be presented in a detailed report for scrutiny at a future Corporate Select Committee meeting.
Now you may recall along with other’s, I’d flagged up concerns over what was happening with regards to the proposals for Glossop Town Hall at the recent Regeneration Select Committee, where the current administration wanted the ok for the proposals to be approved without Glossopdale Councillor’s having seen them before approval.
So going back to last night’s meeting, I asked a question over the proposals for the Town Hall particularly in light of a report considered by the Derbyshire County Council cabinet member for finance on the 25th February which talks about relocating Glossop’s Library from it’s current home to Glossop Town Hall, and was advised that discussions were at an early point and would be reported once further details / firms plans were available.
So imagine my surprise when today a press release was circulated by the council entitled “Plans take place for Town Hall facelift”, including quotes from the leader of the council and detailing proposals around the library and for works on the town hall itself along with a rehash of the Howard Town Mill plans.
So in less than 24 hours, we’ve gone from details and plans being at an early stage to a press release detailing the proposals – anyone would think there’s an election coming up and a sudden need for the current Tory administration in charge of the council to rectify there mismanagement of public halls in Glossopdale, and come up with the alternative future for the Town Hall that was expected when our own version of a Condem alliance ran the council and started on the process of closing it.