Melandra Tip – Reopening Date
Local residents will be glad to hear that at long last the ‘Melandra Tip’ (or to give it the full title “Glossop Household Waste Recycling Centre”) will reopen for public use on Friday 26th November.
The County Council ask people to note however that any ‘rubbish’ left at the entrance to the facility until the facility re-opens will be classed as fly tipping which is an offence.
In addition the temporary facility which has being in place on Saturday mornings (from 8.00am until 11.00am) at the borough council’s Surrey Street depot will no longer be available after Saturday 20th November.
At current however there are still a number of questions that remain :
1. Why it will have taken over 6 weeks from the bridge being put in place to get the facility back open (ie why the works being done weren’t ready to go as soon as the bridge was in place) ?
2. What will or has happened to the proposals for the refurbishment of the site, which when details were released earlier in the year would have seen the site closing for several weeks / months for those works being done ?
I expect / hope more details will follow on the above points in the near future, but for now at least we have a date when the ‘tip’ will be re-opened.