Mottram – Tintwistle Bypass
The news last week of the Highway's Agency pulling out of the public enquiry
into the Mottram – Tintwistle Bypass, has been met with mixed views, with
those against the scheme flagging it as good news and those for the scheme
as bad news.
What ever your views on the scheme, one thing the whole process has flagged
up in my mind at least is how unfit for purpose the Highway Agency appears
to be, with there failings in the run up to last week's withdrawal leaving
the public enquiry in my mind at least on a unsure footing what ever result
it would have come up with if it ever would have been able to finish it's
What happen next appears to be unclear, with news yesterday that (via just days after the scheme appears to have been put on hold for
the indefinite future that Manchester planners are putting together an
alternative, that will go before the association of Greater Manchester
Authorities for there views in the near future.
However in my own view, I hope that whatever happens next it doesn't involve
any more money been passed to the Highway's Agency.