Executive meeting
Tuesday evening (22nd April) will see a meeting of the council’s executive, amongst the items to be decided by the Conservative Executive Members are ‘revised dashboard of performance indicators’, unmet demand for hackney carriages, High Peak Community Safety Partnership, Saved policies from the local plan, and updates on the strategic alliance plans.
Now whilst the ‘revised dashboard of performance indicators’ sounds like traditional local government gibberish. It is actually about refining the current list of performance measurers that are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the council’s performance is been reviewed properly and that problems are picked up at an early stage.
Prior to the ‘dashboard’ going for a decision at Tuesday executive meeting it has been reviewed at a previous meeting of the corporate select committee who have recommended a total 29 indicators will form the new dashboard, along with a further recommendation that the indicators relating to High Peak Community Housing should now go for review at the Social Inclusion Select Committee rather than the Corporate Select Committee.
The types of issues considered within the ‘dashboard’ include complaints, financial performance, health and safety issues, planning application, fly tipping and so on.