Audit and regulatory committee
Wednesday evening (23rd April) sees a meeting of the audit and regulatory committee which will be looking at risk management, the 2008 audit plan, a review of whistle blowing, and a protocol for partnerships, along with the presentation of the annual audit and inspection letter.
The annual audit and inspection letter which is usually presented to us by one of the district auditors covers the work done in assessing the council by the audit commission.
In addition to the type of work you would expect the audit commission to do ie checking the books and so on; the audit commission also reviews the council’s performance on best value, along with use of resources (ie how well council tax and other funds etc are used) and the ‘direction of travel’ – ie is the council still performing well and meeting the needs of it’s residents.
The only area listed for further work by the council is around continuing to give regular updates to councillors on the progress of the Buxton Crescent Development and it’s future managements arrangements, to read a copy of the auditors letter go to or the audit commissions website at