Smokefree England
As mentioned recently the smoke ban for England took force on the 1st July 2007 and the various health experts are all hailing this is been a big step forward towards a healthier population.
Now whilst surveys are showing that the public support the smoking ban with many believing that going smokefree will have a positive effect on health. It will be interesting to see what effect the ban will have on pubs, clubs and as mentioned in at least one of the Sunday political show bingo clubs, something I expect we will see in the weeks and months to come.
Further information on the ban is available from :
or if you are looking for details on how to give help and advice can be obtained from, the Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust on 0845 053 3302 or on the web at :
or finally if you really are opposed to the ban, you may take the view of the Swan Hotel in Bolton, where Landlord Nick Hogan is allowing smoking to continue regardless of any potential legal threats, more details on that available here (although obviously I can’t recommend or suggest that breaking the law is a good idea) :