Environment Select Committee
Monday night saw a meeting of the Environment Select committee, an interesting meeting, covering the following: land pollution, gambling act, micro-generation, waste strategy, and a report on the ‘beacon status’ year.
Of particular interest was a ‘update’ report on the ‘Binnovation’ scheme. This saw all the Glossopdale members present, including myself raising concern’s other how poorly handled the changes to the rural collections in Glossopdale have been. With most Glossopdale Borough and County councillor’s receiving at some point over the last few months complaints or concerns from local residents, who in some cases have received very scant notice that there waste collection arrangements were been drastically changed, and in most cases the overall service been reduced.
Our concerns were noted, along with an update that in the case of most of the 40 or so local residents effected, all but about a dozen are now satisfied with there arrangements.