Gamesley Train Station – Light at the end of the tunnel ?
Although I am not a member of the committee, last night I attended the meeting of the Corporate Select Committee. The reason for this was that one of the reports on the agenda for the committee, was considering ‘planning obligations’, monies received by the council under what are known as section 106 agreements which are usually part of the planning process.
One of the agreements outstanding is in relation to the Gamesley Station from a development on nearby Simmondley, and the theme around last nights report was recommending to the executive that they confirm the funding available, but also to take steps to commission further feasibility works in partnership with the County Council and others to move the project forward.
Now whilst this might not sound like much, this along with the changes that were agreed in the High Peak Local Plan approved in March 2005, helps put together another piece of the package that will hopefully bring the station a step closer.
Along with the above, the select committee under a Labour Group proposal have also proposed to the executive, that £21,000 be made available to the Glossop and District Guides (more details here), who have been working toward building a new head quarters in the Dinting / Simmondley area, which would benefit the whole of Glossop.
This proposal was accepted by the Select Committee, and now we have to wait and see whether the coalition executive will accept this proposal.