Gamesley Sidings Reminder
Gamesley Sidings Reminder – The deadline for responding to the Gamesley Sidings planning application (Application HPK/2017/0655) is Tuesday 6th February.
If you’re not sure what sort of things you could put into a comment or objections on an application, you can read my commenting on planning applications page by clicking here.
To submit a comment you can either click on the ‘comment on this application’ button in the middle of the application information page on the council’s website by clicking here or alternatively you can email quoting the application reference (HPK/2017/0655) as your subject and if your email is objecting, supporting or just a comment.
In terms of information, that has been submitted as part of the application, the initial response submitted by highways department of Derbyshire County Council may well be helpful in terms of your response.
In terms of the number of vehicles – HGV’s accessing the site they make the following comment:
“Whilst 4‐6 HGV trips may be acceptable, 30 HGV’s in and out of the site will have a detrimental effect on the safety on Orchard Drive. “
They also flag concerns with the nature of Orchard Drive and its junction with Glossop Road, making the following comment:
“As you will be aware, Orchard Drive is predominantly a residential road. Its junction with Glossop Road is not designed to accommodate frequent HGV use, and 2‐way traffic (one being a HGV) is not possible at the Glossop Road junction. It’s also unclear if a HGV would be forced to cross the centreline on Glossop Road to enter/exit Orchard Drive.”
Finally, they advise that before they can make a full determination on the application, they require the following additional information:
- What is the current permitted use of the site?
- What area within the site has the permitted use?
- What type of storage currently takes place on the site?
- What type of storage will take place at the site once the construction phase has ceased?
- Can HGV’s turn left into and out of Orchard Drive without crossing the centreline on Glossop Road (wheel tracking drawings required)? If not, traffic management on Glossop Road may be required
- Can the site be limited to 4 ‐ 6 HGV trips per day throughout the construction phase (and would your Authority be able to enforce any such condition to restrict daily HGV traffic)?
Once this information has been submitted (if it is) there will be an updated response from the county council highways department which may require the consultation period to be extended or reopened to allow further comments in response to both the highways comments and any additional information provided on the application by the applicants.
As and when there are any updates, I will flag them up here, but if you have any comments, queries or questions please get in touch.