High Peak Community Housing Board Away Day
This Saturday I spent the day in a less than sunny Losehill Hall Castleton attending a board away day for the High Peak Community Housing Board.
The away day was intended and was a useful opportunity for the board to meet and consider with some of the senior management, some of the issues, concerns and potential opportunities that there is for the company over the next few years.
I found the day quite a useful exercise with a number of good sessions including a session looking at risk and the appetite for risk presented by Craig Wright from BDO who is the company’s internal auditors.
In the afternoon we had a very good presentation from Alistair Macintosh of HQN (Housing Quality Networks) giving us details and pointers on some of the bigger ‘policy type’ issues that will arise in the future along with details on what it is predicted will be the ‘policy’ direction from the Condem government.
A very useful presentation, which I’m sure will help us, in some of the discussions over future months, my only slight issue was that the presenter was almost a double for Frankie Boyle, both in looks and accent and to a certain extent I kept expecting him to say something potentially offensive but in a funny way.
All in all a useful day the fruits of which I expect to see mainly in the business plan which will come to a future board meeting.