Audit and regulatory
Monday evening saw a meeting of the council's audit and regulatory
committee, which was looking at reports on the audit commission's annual
audit and inspection plan, the draft statement of accounts, operational
internal audit plan, risk management and appointing a replacement returning
and electoral registration officer.
The audit commissions annual audit and inspection plan introduced us to the
new auditors looking at the council, along with some details on the new
inspection regime that you will be taking over the current performance
At around 126 pages the draft (until the audit commission approve it)
statement of accounts takes a little reading and the committee was helpful
guided through it prior to our questions by the Council's current head of
finance Ben Jay.
The need for appointing a replacement returning and electoral registration
officer is due to the retirement of Rose Stafford after 21 years service at
the Council. No doubt many members of the council will miss Rose who has
been a great source of help and advice over the years.