High Peak Community Housing – Board Away Day
Friday saw a trip to Buxton’s Lee Wood Hotel for a board away day, looking
at a number of issues around future planning including a future vision for
2012, thoughts around the forthcoming review of the management agreement and
governance issues.
I was only in attendance for the end of the morning session and the
afternoon session, but the proceedings were interesting with a number of
views been raised, including a number of interesting points from the various
members on the board.
One point of interest around the away day was around comments within the
report from the council’s sub group looking into HPCH, which expressed a
concern that the sub committee was not convinced that the away days and
other similar initiatives run by HPCH, provided ‘good value for money’.
At this point my initial view as a new board member is that I can’t say I
agree with that view as some of the issue’s raised during the away day would
not have been able to have been covered in sufficient depth during a board
meeting and for the topics covered the additional time to consider them was