What next for Glossop Town Hall ?
Disappointing news for Glossop Town Hall, with details in a recent email from Dai Larner the Council’s Strategic Director for Planning and Regeneration that the hard work done to put a bid together by the council, High Peak CVS and the Glossop Volunteer Bureau to the Community Assets Fund to refurbish the Town Hall has been knocked back.
The fund advises that whilst the bid reached the shortlist stage and was a strong bid, there was insufficient funding for all the projects across the country with Glossop’s been one of 80 odd projects that lost out.
A number of alternative funding sources and options are now been considered, along with investment under the council’s planned maintenance programme and possible involvement with the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) funding.
However in my mind, there are concerns as to what the future holds with no clear plan outlined at current for the Town Hall, particularly when several years after the decision was taken to ‘mothball’ the Hadfield and Victoria Hall’s with, the future for Hadfield Hall is still not clear with Victoria Hall only now having a clear path with its expected transfer to the county council.