Coming up
Tuesday evening sees a meeting of the corporate select committee which
amongst other items will consider a report on the budget.
The report which will then go to the council's executive prior to going to
the full council meeting at the beginning of March is asking members of the
corporate select committee to recommend a council tax rise of 3% along with
Council house rent rises in line with Government determination at 4.77% and
various rises in fee and charges including a £5 increase in bulky waste.
Next Monday there will be a meeting of the development control committee
which amongst other items will consider the proposal to change the design of
four planned properties on Cottage Lane, 5 letters of objection have been
submitted so far with one of the main concerns been parking.
The meeting will also consider plans for a hotel on land that has recently
flooded which is recommended for approval because of the need for this
facility for tourism, whereas a number of holiday cottages for tourism
elsewhere in Glossop on land that as far as I know has never flooded is
recommended for refusal.