Flat batteries – not just for the bin
Flagged up on the Glossop website and on a press release from the County Council is news that the Melandra Civic amenity site / ‘tip’ now has the facilities to recycle all types of household batteries, rather than just car batteries which have been accepted for some time.
The reason for this change to recycle house hold batteries is because at current around 600 million batteries, the approximate weight of 110 jumbo jets are currently sent to land fill, where as now they can be turned in to something useful such as new batteries or be reused in the in the steel industry.
The site on Melandra Road is open from 8.30pm until 6pm daily (except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day) and will try to recycle, reuse or compost any items of rubbish taken including large and bulky item, contact call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 or visit the website at http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste/recyling_centres/default.asp for further details.