Chapel Lane Park Fun Day – Fire Safety Checks
Chapel Lane Fun Day Fire Safety
Originally uploaded by AnthonyMck.
Hadfield Councillors Vicky Mann and Bob Mckeown, along with Commonwealth Welterweight Champion Ali Nuumbembe took time out from the Chapel Lane Park Fun Day to promote the Home Fire Safety Checks service that is run by the Derbyshire Fire Service.
The checks which include a check of your home for fire safety, along with the fitting and testing of one or more smoke alarms are free to all householders and are part of the fire services drive to cut down and prevent deaths from fire.
You can book a check by phoning 01298 22274, or emailing or by visting the Derbyshire Fire Service on the web at
Also pictured far left is Edward Siddall Chair of the Friends of Chapel Lane Park, along with far right a member of Glossop Fire Station.