Hilary Benn visit’s Glossop
Glossop Branch and Hilary Benn
Originally uploaded by AnthonyMck.
Friday 4th May saw a visit to Glossop Labour Club by Hilary Benn MP one of the candidates in the race for the Deputy Leadership.
The visit had been organised by Tom Levitt MP, Hilary’s PPS (Parliamentary Private Secretary) to give local members and others a chance to question Hilary on why he should be the next deputy leader of the Labour Party.
Around 25 people from across the constituency were in attendance, including some who had received bad news earlier that day in the form of their election results.
The format was essentially a question and answer session, with Hilary Benn taking questions on a wide range of subjects aside from those within his current ministerial brief of International Development.
Hilary seemed relaxed and answered all the questions received quite openly and well, but as is common with most of the current ‘brace’ of media trained ministers he sounded too polished to connect / get past the view your were receiving a ‘performance’, and I won’t be changing my view on supporting Jon Cruddas, to be the next deputy leader of the Labour Party.