Full council
Thursday evening saw 2 meetings of the full council.
The first a special meeting to confer the honour of freeman of the borough on Ray Davies from Charlesworth.
I’m sure the local papers will cover the various deeds of Mr Davies, but as one of founders of the Glossop Mountain Rescue and a continued volunteer with them for the last 50 years the honour is well deserved.
The main business of the normal council meeting was setting the council’s budget, corporate plan and council tax.
As detailed in the press earlier, the council tax will rise by 3.2%, with a number of other charges also rising including rents by up to 4.95%, rents for garages by 4.95% to £4.82, and the carelink service by 2.5%.
Along with the Labour group, I abstained from voting on the budget, plan, and council tax, due to concerns that the budget is not as ‘robust’ as it should be, with a number of items of savings still to be identified.