Area forum
Area forum
Thursday evening also saw a meeting the Glossopdale Area Forum, this time looking at issues around enforcement. A fairly good turnout with the members of the public almost outnumbering the councillor’s, officials and local police present.
The format for the evening started off with a presentation on work already done under the ‘going local’ them, followed by a 3 presentation’s on the Enforcement topic, one on the general scene of enforcement, one on community safety, and finally one on planning. Following the presentation there was a brief session for questions with topics been raised including enforcement of parking / traffic laws, wheelie bins and anti social behaviour in Manor Park.
The meeting then broke up to allow a series of one to one session for local residents to raise issues with representatives of the various ‘service providers’ such as the Police, Environmental Health, and High Peak Community Housing etc, along with ‘voting’ on a range of suggestions for this year’s going local projects.