Last week – a brief review
Monday saw a meeting of the corporate select committee, which amongst other items on the agenda, was considering a call in of a decision by the executive about community grants.
For those who haven’t heard of the term ‘call in’ it is essentially a mechanism that can be used by councillors to ask the council’s executive to look again at a decision it has made either individually or collectively.
The reasons that the decision was called in by the Labour Group, was due to concerns around the way the decision was reached and the impact it was likely to have on the groups who’s grant have been cut.
Well fortunately, despite us been outnumbered on the committee, we were able to persuade the committee that the decision needed calling in, and it will be reviewed at the next executive meeting.
One of the reason listed for the cuts was that funds had to restricted, which was why the Labour Group, raised an amendment for the next item on the agenda which was looking at redistributing funds left over from the previous financial year. Unfortunately we lost this amended, and must now wait to see what decision the executive will come up with on the call in. For more information on the call in click here.
Tuesday saw a public meeting at the Gamesley Sports and Community Center, which was aimed at getting local people, to come and find out more about becoming board members for the community center board which is currently been set up.
However unfortunately despite an intensive campaign of bulletin’s on High Peak radio, and a mailing to all houses on the estate, only 2 local resident were in attendance at the meeting, myself and Cllr Bob Mckeown. Other methods will now be looked at for recruiting these board members.
Friday saw this month’s meeting of the High Peak Constituency Labour Party, with this month main topic of discussion been around human rights. Friday also saw an opportunity to see the new X-men 3 movie, which like the 2 previous films in series provided plenty of entertainment, and in some way brought a good ending to some parts of the story with a room still left for future possible follow up’s.