Last week – a brief review
Tuesday saw a meeting of the North Area Tennent Panel, many of the usual things for the tennents panel on the agenda, including repairs, capital program, and details of an officer change round. The change been that Helen Green who was the senior housing officer on the estate, is now moving onward and upwards to be in charge of all the housing officers in the area. A shame in one way as Helen will no longer be directly looking after the estate, but good news in another.
The tennents panel also considered a number of bids from the ‘Panel Budget’ which is monies set aside for use by the panel’s to improve the local area on the ‘council / housing company’ estates. Schemes of note approved for Gamesley include £500 for the Community Center for a membership system, £500 for the ‘Jericho’ Café (although I think it will have a new name when it reopens) for assorted equipment and money towards the Gardening competition that will be taking place in the next few weeks.
Only two notes of concern from the meeting, one been around one of the contractors been used for various work causing serious problems elsewhere with the firm scheduled for work on a number of contacts on the estate. The second been a lack of ‘tenants’ attending to have there say from Gamesley.
Friday, saw the Mayor of High Peak’s civic reception take place at the Pavilion Gardens in Buxton. An entertaining evening with the usual high standard of service from the Pavilion Garden’s staff, a number of tributes paid to the Mayor and Mayoress by the various visiting dignitaries, a photo or two from the evening will appear here soon.