Last week a brief review
Monday saw a meeting of the development control committee, which although I am not on, and did not attend the meeting is worth a mention as the Glossop Spur Road planning application was passed. This application was a step forwards on the bypass issue which has voices both in favour and against, all of whom will have there say at the public inquiry on the bypass due next year.
Tuesday night saw the ‘Christmas’ council meeting, this started with two presentations, one quite lengthy but useful on the proposed changes to the Police authority, the other quite short but still useful on the progress to date on the council’s ‘Binovation’ scheme (more on that to follow soon). The outcome of the Police presentation was all party support for a motion in support of the Police authority remaining as Derbyshire only, this was a step similar to what the County Council did the week before.
The rest of the business of the council meeting followed fairly smoothly after that including a number of recommendation from the executive, recommendations from the standards board including the issue of members allowances, recommendations from the Audit and regulatory committee, and finally the motion from the Labour Group on allowing 3/4 years old free swimming.
The motion whilst not approved was referred to a sub group that is currently looking at charging, which to date has had some success in getting the ‘Coalition’ executive to accept alternatives.
Wednesday saw the Glossopdale Branch Christmas social, which all attending seemed to enjoy !, bring most things to a close until after the Christmas and New Year break.
Merry Christmas to all !