Labour Party Conference – Rest of the Second Day
As part of the response to the Transport debate, the General Secretary’s of ASLEF and TSSA, both spoke critising the government for there lack of action on the conference resolution of last year to take the railways back under public control, there contributions seemed to have a warm welcome from the delegates in the conference.
On the contemporary resolutions, the 4 that got through from the constituency’s were Housing, equalities, pensions and health, so 3 of 4 of the ones I voted for got through.
After the conference session finished on the Sunday, there was a question time with the Prime Minister, which had a limited audience of around 100 delegates from the different regions. The format was a mix of question that had been submitted through the party website, and questions from the members present.
An interesting session, with a good range of questions been asked by those present and on the email.