Labour Party Conference – Final Day Report
The Thursday morning started with the results of the policy forum, which saw the member nominated by the constituency earlier this year all been elected, however there was the loss of some existing members of the policy forum including Gary Ransford from North East Derbyshire.
The rest of the morning was largely taken up with the end with a debate around the issue of reconnecting politics which again included a question and answer session to the team of ministers.
However time was allowed for the debate of the final two contemporary motions around the themes of housing and equalities, with the housing debate, been essentially a re-run of last years discussion at conference with many members along with the unions backing the calls for the fourth option for housing of investment for local councils without them having to pass on the stock by transfer or some other option.
Again as with last year, the conference overwhelmingly supported the calls for the forth option, but will the ministers listen to the response, the remains to be seem.
Conference was then bought to a close with a lengthy but welcome speech from John Reid, who after holding offices in most Government departments is now in place as Minster of Defence, and whilst not as rabble rousing as Prescott, he did get send us all away with the theme that we should be inspired by our mission, and get working for the next lot of local elections, and that to win a fourth term we must start work now.